These are the models I created for the Greenpeace Airplot project (semester 2). Although quickly made & quite rough they had quite a cool effect, I think, of displaying my proposal. The first model was made from plasticine, cocktail sticks & freshly cut grass. The second, slightly more detailed & representational, was using the same plasticine for the mound, but then painted balsar wood stuck together with glue. When added into a visualisation they took on a completely different look (see image at the bottom)
For the Streetlife module I chose Swiss Cottage park in North London as the site for my Theoretical & Technical report. The park was designed by Gustafson Porter, in 2006, to create a tranquil & playful area within the contrast of a busy city scene. I visited the site when it was not at its peak aesthetically. During the winter months the park is not as vibrant as in the summer, when people sit on the surrounding grass banks & children play in the fountain. Although the site was not looking its best, I still really appreciated it. Having seen photographs of what it looks like in the summer months I think it is a place I would enjoy very much. My analysis of the site looked in the concepts behind the design, analysis of the site & its surroundings, a look into the detail of the project, including the hard & soft landscaping features & the functionality of the main focal point of the park - the rectangular granite water feature.
The images below are some of the pages & images I produced for my Streetlife Module report